Maundy Thursday Service
07:00pm to 08:00pm - March 28, 2024
First Christian Church, 611 Clark Ave, Ames, IA Get directions
This will be a combined service of neighbor churches, Ames First UMC, First Christian Church, and the United Church of Christ. Pastor Amanda will join Pastors Mary Jane, Hannah, and Betsy in leading the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. We encourage you to attend in person at 7:00 each night.
The Maundy Thursday Service will be held at First Christian Church. You may also join online using the Zoom link below. If needed, the meeting ID is 835 4977 8613 and passcode is 789716.
The Good Friday Service will be at the United Church of Christ and will also be available via Zoom. Please see the details of that event for the link.