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Fall Laity Day With Bishop Kennetha
09:00am to 03:00pm - October 14, 2023
Sanctuary Get directions

Treats and Fellowship on arrival ~ Lunch and Conversation at noon

Worship and Message from Bishop Kennetha. Expect a bold, spiritually deep message from our Bishop as she leads us in thinking about what it mens to be a United Methodist Christian in 2023,

Christian Nationalism: What is it? Why is do we need to be informed? Why is it a threat to religion and to democracy?

Fresh Expressions. A new way to find, connect and welcome new people. Learn what  this might mean for your church.

What is next for the United Methodist Church?  Hear from some of our General Conference delegates about the Regionalization Plan. Many are anticipating its passage, providing for more autonomous decision making by United Methodists in different part of the world.

Closing Communion to bind us together and send us back into our varied worlds.

This is a FREE event sponsored by the Iowa Conference Board of Laity.  Registration is not required but would be very helpful for planning meals, etc.

Register at:


  • The Iowa Conference Board of Laity


  • 9:00 am - 12:00 pm : Treats and Fellowship
  • 12:00 pm - 3:00 : Lunch and Conversation
