Our address is 516 Kellogg Avenue, Ames, IA 50010.
Ames First UMC is located in the heart of the historic downtown Ames neighborhood, located between 5th and 6th Street on Kellogg Avenue, across from the main branch of the US Post Office and one block north of Main Street. We are currently asking everyone to enter on the south side of the building (facing 5th Street), which has the easiest access and a covered drop-off lane.
City (paid) parking is available all around the church area. City parking is free on Sundays and holidays, as well as after 6:00 pm Monday-Saturday. Parking rates and times are printed on the meters. Free handicapped parking is available on the south side of the church, near the main entrance.
Once inside the building, you will find offices, classrooms/community rooms, a chapel, and a social hall on the lower level. The sanctuary, more classrooms, and another large multi-purpose room are located on the second level. The south entrance is handicap accessible with a large elevator not too far from the doors. We also have a wheelchair near the door if you need to borrow it!
Outside of holiday closures, the church hours are 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday-Thursday; 9:00 am – 1:00 pm on Fridays.
Our Saturday worship service starts at 5:30 pm, and Sunday services are at 8:30 and 11:00 am in September-June. We have one Sunday service in July and August at 9:30 am.
We suggest Sunday mornings! During the months of September through June, our first service starts at 8:30 am, and the second service is at 11:00 am. During the Summer, July and August, we have one service at 9:30 am. You can meet and talk with people during fellowship hour in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level or Sunday School after/between services.
Our Pastors are not in the office all day, every day. If you’d like to visit with a Pastor on a weekday, you can certainly schedule ahead by calling the office at (515) 232-2750 or emailing one of them.
Email Pastor Amanda Email Pastor Nikki
You will see all styles in our church, so don’t spend too much time worrying about your outfit! You can even wear your Cyclone apparel if you’d like!
We love having children in worship! Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)
If they are uncomfortable in the pews, we also offer a Prayground behind the sanctuary! A Prayground is a small area that is dedicated to some of our youngest children in worship. The space includes soft toys, an enclosed area with soft mat flooring, a practice pew, a coloring table, comfortable seating for parents, a TV with a live feed to the worship in case you’re in an area of the Prayground where you can’t see something, and many other items. This space allows the children to remain in worship with their family. The nursery is still available for those who wish to utilize it. We hope this helps young families feel more welcome at Ames First UMC and for all to appreciate the importance of having children in worship.
Speaking of the Nursery… …you may bring your infant or toddler (up to pre-K age) to the nursery (Room E203) during Sunday worship and/or Sunday School. Our trained and screened nursery attendants are on duty starting 15 minutes before services begin.
During the school year, kids from preschool through High School learn and grow during Sunday School from 9:45 -10:45 on Sunday mornings. Vacation Bible School and Church Camp are highlights in the summer months.
Our services are more traditional in style, with hymns, prayers, a message, and children’s time at Sunday services. We share in Communion the first weekend of each month. Everyone is welcome to share in communion, regardless of your membership at this or any other church.
SATURDAY AT FIRST is a relaxed and informal time of offering songs and prayers to God. Communion is offered on the Saturday closest to the first Sunday of the month. A variety of contemporary and familiar Christian songs and hymns are sung. This service is held year-round on Saturday at 5:30 pm in the church chapel on the lower level.
TRADITIONAL SUNDAY WORSHIP celebrations happen at 8:30 and 11:00 am from September through June. We hold one Sunday service, at 9:30 am, in July and August. You will find this Sunday worship to be very much like the worship services of many United Methodist Churches around the country. Creative liturgy will be offered to God with familiar and contemporary hymns being sung. You will find Biblical preaching to assist you in connecting with God and for growing your faith, witness and discipleship. Sunday services are held in the Sanctuary.
Yes, and usually donuts too! Please join us in Fellowship Hall, on the lower level, between services on Sunday mornings. This is generally between 9:30 – 10:45 am in the Fall/Winter/Spring and 10:30-11:30 am in July and August.
We all love to help, feel free to stop anyone to ask a question! However, there is usually someone at the main entrance on Sunday mornings, or you can check with our friendly face behind the desk (turn left after you walk in the south door). Additionally, you will find another greeter at the back of the sanctuary before and after Sunday services.
We enjoy time together based on our interests, such as singing, volunteering, playing bells, puppeteering, playing softball, small group Bible study… …even knitting, quilting, and making noodles! We also work together to host special events for our community: Vacation Bible School, a Fall Fair, guest speakers, Thanksgiving Dinner, and Trunk or Treat, are just a few. We learn together through various continued faith journey opportunities and church-wide studies throughout the year.
Folks at Ames First United Methodist Church are committed to serving the community around us. You will find members of our church volunteering, individually and together, all around Ames and Story County. And, of course, there is always a chance to work in smaller teams to contribute time and talents for the betterment of the church and our guests.
There really is an opportunity for everyone! Please check out the “Engage” dropdown at the top of this page for more information.
You can call or email the office (515) 232-2750, [email protected].
Please send your name and mailing address to [email protected].