Weekly Faith Formation Opportunities:
Join us as we grow in our faith and community through fellowship and Bible study.
Faith and Reason (9:45 - 10:45 am)
This group has a strong focus on faith and social action. They use a variety of video-based lessons, articles from various organizations, and books from noted writers and thinkers from around the world as they discuss the relationship between religious fundamentalism and democracy, equality, and human rights. Join them September-May for an invigorating discussion!
Location: Multipurpose Room
Coffee Talk (10:00 - 10:45 am)
This class is designed to help people grow in their personal relationship with God. Through videos and discussion, we delve deeper into the topics presented in the current sermon series. Coffee and donuts are welcome at the table! This class meets September-May, beginning at 10 a.m., so there is plenty of time for fellowship before class.
Location: Conference Room
Grounded (10:00 - 10:40 am)
This new group is open to parents of children and youth (birth-12th grade), and will meet when the congregation is doing an all-church study (Fall, Advent, Lent), about 4-6 weeks each. This group will utilize videos and discussion questions with each study. While kids are busy growing their faith, parents can connect with each other, build relationships, and become more grounded in faith.
Location: Prayground behind the Sanctuary
Friends in Faith (6:00 - 7:00 pm)
Second and fourth Sundays of the month in-person or via Zoom. We use the Serendipity Bible as a starting point, but you can use any Bible you have. We open with Joys and Concerns. There will be an opening question. Then we will read a passage and consider questions from the Serendipity Bible and have a discussion. We close with a prayer as close to 7:00 as possible. If you happen to have something YOU would like to talk about some Sunday, feel free to bring it up for discussion.
Location: Conference Room
Men’s Weekly Study (6 am)
We read the Bible passage for the upcoming Sunday service and discuss how these scriptures relate to us and our lives. All are welcome.
Location: Panera
Wonderful Wednesday Women (10 am)
This group is not only a Bible study but a way to look at the meaningful design of the worship service and find varying ways we can each connect to it. We are also a great support system for one another as we go through different times and events in our lives and share our own life experiences and faith journeys. Contact Nicole Smith ([email protected]) for more information.
Location: Conference Room
Seasonal Studies
We will hold Wednesday evening small group studies on a seasonal basis. Please check with the office or our Events page to learn more about the current offering.
Small Group Opportunities:
We have many ways that you can get plugged into our church family. Don’t see a group you are interested in? Contact Pastor Nikki to get one started.
If you are looking for a small group, Grow in Faith Opportunity Booklets are available from the church office.
The choir meets each week for practice, and shares their gift with the congregation on a rotation basis.
Contact Ilene Riitano if you are interested in joining – [email protected].
This group meets at 6:30 pm Wednesday nights, September through May. New members, high school age and adults are always welcome. We will have opportunities to come in and learn to play, as well as some small ensembles and one time performances.
Contact Ilene Riitano if you are interested in learning more about the Handbell Choir: [email protected]
This team meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month, August – May at 11:15 am in the Conference Room. All UWFaith members are welcome to attend. Each meeting includes devotions, reports from officers, and information sharing.
Contact Carol Miller, President, (515) 233-5516 for more information.
Our circles always welcome new members. Their meetings include devotions, a program or service project, and fellowship.
Ruth/Sarah Circle meets the second Thursday of the month, September-May in the Multipurpose Room at 1:30pm. Contact Jane Edwards, (515) 233-4266, Sally Peterson, (515) 337-1230, or Joyce Crotty, (515) 460-5316, for more information.
Silver Anniversary Circle meets the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm in the church, September- May. Contact Sharon Boen, (515) 231-3316, for more information.
Thursday evening group meets the third Thursday on Zoom at 7 pm. Contact Cathy Webb [email protected] (515) 460-0039 for more information.
Friday morning group meets on the 4th Friday at 10 am. Joan Peterson is the chair.
Books from the UWFaith program are shared. One book is covered each month. All are welcome, even if you haven’t read the book of the month.
Will meet every Tuesday from 10 am to 4 pm in the Quilting Room, basement level. Interested quilters may contact Sally Peterson, (515) 337-1230, for more information.
Join us on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00 am. Persons who like to knit or crochet at all levels are welcome. Contact Judy Roe, (515) 232-5797. “Come let’s bend threads together”
The softball team encourages all members 17+ to join the team! If softball isn’t your thing, then come out and help cheer on the team each Tuesday night. The season runs from May-July and plays other church teams in the area. Contact William Edwards, (515) 233-4266 for more information.
Are you seeking “FAITH” — Friendly, Accessible, Informed Technology Helpers? Whether it’s troubleshooting or some basic instruction, we’ll do our best to resolve your technology irritations. (And while we can’t perform repairs, we can advise on whether a more serious procedure might be necessary.)
Remember: this is a FREE service provided by church volunteers! You can find (this kind of) FAITH via email ([email protected]) or phone (515-446-8637). (Text messages work too!) And if you have the technology and people skills to share — we’re always looking for more Helpers!
Naomi’s Friends is a group that was formed 20 years ago in support of women who have lost their husbands. We meet at 1:00 pm on the third Monday of each month in Fellowship Hall for a time of sharing and friendship. Light refreshments are shared, please bring your own beverage. Contact Judy Roe, 515-232-5797, for more information.
Are you a young adult, looking for an opportunity to gather with others in a similar phase of life, for fellowship, conversation and faith building? Then this group is for you. We are currently meeting once a month for a meal, and on Sunday mornings for Bible Study. We intend to nurture our faith in ways that will not require “homework” or stress. We hope to share life’s blessings and struggles with one another, surrounded by a central faith that we work on together, and look for ways to make a difference in this world. Please contact the office ([email protected]) if you would like to join us or would like more information.